Monday, May 25, 2020
Essay on The Film O brother, where art thou - 1049 Words
The Film O brother, where art thou? The film O brother, where art thou? is set in the Great Depression of the 1930’s and emphasizes the struggle between the upper and lower classes by using a variety of cinematic devices. Through the use of these cinematic devices and comedic relief the realities of the Depression are viewed without creating a stark, melancholy, documentary-styled film. Examples in this film of these cinematic devices used to show these realities include: bleak colors, contrasting of light and dark colors, long shots, high-angle shots, and spherical camera lenses. These particular devices provide a glimpse at the realities of the oppression, poverty and despair of many of the American people†¦show more content†¦Another such example, of the use of color to point out the differences in social class, is the use of contracting colors. Many of the people who are dressed in white and light colors are those who have power and money. Other people are dressed in darker colors, perhaps due to the fact that they would have to wash their own clothes rather than being able to have them washed. Pappy O’Daniel, the governor of Mississippi, and his campaign staff are one such example. In particular is a scene in which they are discussing the upcoming election and what should be done on the porch of what can be assumed is Pappy’s house. Not only are the men dressed in whites but the porch and home are also painted white. Pappy is an exemplification of power and money, he is governor and also a well to do businessman. Other people associ ated with Pappy carry out this theme throughout the film as well. The radio station, which Pappy owns (or at least finances) is seen several times and is painted white. Long shots of the radio station are used not to show smallness, as will be discussed later, but to show contrast between the building and the brown dirt surrounding it. The signs of the time are also shown through the use of specific camera shots, which humble the characters and show their frailty. Long Shots, in particular, are used to exemplify the smallness of the characters (without power) in the vastness of the world around them. In the scene in which theShow MoreRelatedFilm Summary for O Brother Where Art Thou?1171 Words  | 5 Pagesabandoned clothes). Carrying Pete in a shoebox, Delmar and Everett go to a restaurant where they meet Big Dan Teague (John Goodman), a one-eyed Bible salesman. Thinking that their box contains money, Big Dan lures them to a field for an advanced tutorial on salesmanship. He violently beats the two men, kills the toad after finding no cash, and steals their car. Everett and Delmar arrive at Everetts hometown, where he attempts to speak to his wife, Penny (Holly Hunter), mother of his seven daughtersRead MoreO Brother, Where Art Thou?: Modern Adaptation of Homers Odyssey1265 Words  | 6 PagesThe film O Brother, Where Art Thou? is a reinterpretation of the epic poem The Odyssey. The Coen brothers, writers and directors of the film, did not over analyze their representation. â€Å"It just sort of occurred to us after we’d gotten into it somewhat that it was a story about someone going home, and sort of episodic in nature, and it kind of evolved into that,†says Joel Coen in Blood Siblings, â€Å"It’s very loosely and very sort of unseriously based on The Odyssey†(Woods 32). O Brother, Where ArtRead MoreO Brother Where Art Thou1597 Words  | 7 PagesApril 12, 2008 Film Analysis â€Å"O Brother Where Art Thou†This old time musical theatrical movie clip was an insightful blast from the past that made you cherish those days where it was inconceivable to not be a gentlemen, and it was a down right shame to be anything less then an honest women. This old time movie with a new age attitude definitely strikes the funny bone of any modern day movie watcher. â€Å"The opening titles inform us that the Coen Brothers O Brother, Where Art Thou is based on HomersRead More O Brother, Where Art Thou? - From Greek Classic to American Original3139 Words  | 13 PagesO Brother, Where Art Thou? - From Greek Classic to American Original In the winter of 2001, American audiences initially paid little attention to Joel and Ethan Coens Depression era, jail-break, musical buddy comedy O Brother, Where Art Thou? The films reputation lingered, however, and over the next seven months O Brother eventually grossed a significant $45.5 million ( Loosely adapted from Homer’s The Odyssey, the film focuses on Ulysses Everett McGill’s (George Clooney’s) journeyRead MoreO Brother Where Art Thou Character Analysis1694 Words  | 7 Pages The Coen Brothers’ film, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, is loosely based on Homer’s famous Greek epic, The Odyssey, in that certain features in the film resemble those found in Homer’s epic, but the film still reveals its own sense of originality by making it more relatable to the modern world. While The Odyssey is set in Ancient Greece and O Brother, Where Art Thou? is set in the southern part of the United States during the 1930’s, the w orks are similar in following a protagonist who encountersRead MoreThe s Epic The Odyssey And The Movie O Brother, Where Art Thou?848 Words  | 4 PagesI have watched O’ Brother, Where Art Thou? hundreds of times before taking this class, but until now I had no idea that it was largely based on The Odyssey, by Homer. When I reviewed the movie I realized that it is almost a parallel to The Odyssey. To summarize the film O’ Brother, Where Art Thou?, Ulysseus Everett McGill, played by George Clooney, is doing time in Mississippi. He ends up scamming his way off the chain gang accompanied by Delmar, played by Tim Blake Nelson, and Pete, played by johnRead MoreAnalysis Of O Brother And The Odyssey 1707 Words  | 7 Pagesinto other forms of media, particularly film, which is one of the most prominent forms of media in the modern technological world. One popular adaptation of The Odyssey to film is the Academy Award nominated film O Brother, Where Art Thou where Odysseus is portrayed as escaped convict Ulysses Everett McGill, and he leads 2 other escaped convicts who help him return to his home. There are many differences between the classic epic poem and the modern 2001 film that takes place in rural 1937 MississippiRead MoreAnalysis Of O Brother Where Art Thou 961 Words  | 4 Pagesovercome. In order to do so, Odysseus had to prove his intellectual capacity, strength and determination. â€Å"O Brother Where Art Thou†is a 2000 adventure film which follows the journey of a man named Ulysses Everett McGill as he attempts to make his way back home with two fellow convicts after escaping prison. Although it lacks the structure and does not follow sequence of events of the odyssey, the film portrays many of the fundamental concepts and ideas explored in The Odyssey. In t his paper, I will exploreRead MoreMovie Review : O Brother, Where Art Thou1305 Words  | 6 PagesO Brother, Where Art Thou? is a film that will surely make you want to fall out of your chair laughing, and make you want to get up and dance. This film is an absolute classic. It is hilarious, adventurous, and makes you feel good about yourself. The most unique thing about this film is the main characters break out of jail for the wrong reason, and then go on a wild chase trying to get home. Another unique part about this film is that the main character is currently divorced and wanting to remarryRead MoreThe Odyssey And O Brother, Where Art Thou?1269 Words  | 6 Pagessometimes the movie falls short of the mark. O Brother, Where Art Thou?, however, tends to stay on track with the Odyssey. Due to the fact that O Brother, Where Art Thou? takes place in 1930’s Mississippi, certain plot elements can not correlate directly, but other than that conflicts tend to be similar. Ma jor characters make the same decisions as their Odyssey counterparts, with slightly different motives. Overall, The Odyssey and O Brother, Where Art Thou? have similar and different protagonists,
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Power in International Relations - 2084 Words
The conception is power in International Relations is a key to a better understanding of the discipline. In many cases the definition of power affects the way in which many issues are tackled in foreign policy or security. There are many theories that try to deal with the conception of power, however they make a rather large number of assumptions that might make them difficult to applicable in real life. Furthermore many of them does not take into consideration that power evolves, therefore if we want to understand and conceptualize power in the international sphere it is crucial to analyze different theories and conceptions of it.This essay will argue that power is a broad term that can best be conceptualized and explained in IR by a multiplicity of theories. In making this argument, this essay will first explain why power power is crucial in the study of International Relations. Then two theories of power from the realist tradition , one of the neoliberalist tradition, one of postm odernism and a critical theory of realism will be outlined. This theories of power will be explained and compared in order to create a complete conceptualization of the term power than can be applied to the twentieth first century The realist view of International Relations explains that power is crucial for International Relations because every state is in the pursuit of it. Furthermore the words power and powerful are used very often in the international spectrum, however a definition of itShow MoreRelatedInternational Relations : The Distribution Of Power, Development, And Dependency Within States1070 Words  | 5 PagesInternational relations are completely based off of anarchy and states making interactions between each other. Marxism helps explain a state’s ideals for why they make interactions and for what reasons. It is a theory that states how the world is being ran off of actors wanting total control over the distribution of goods and means of production in a free market defined by the want for profit. These ideals bring out what drives the interactions between states internationally; which in turn helpsRead MoreWhat Is Power And What Forms Can It Shape? International Relations? Essay1672 W ords  | 7 PagesThroughout, political history, power has played a distinguished part in the causes and understanding of how and why state actors fight, cooperate and live with one another. Moreover, power in international society has never been disturbed equally. Therefore, what is power and what forms can it shape to affect international relations? The three political theories of realism, marxism and social constructivism define power in association with the taxonomy principles of concepts. Therefore, it is theRead MoreInformation Is A Source Of Power In International Relations.967 Words  | 4 PagesInformation is a source of power in international relations. Technology is the capability by which states store information. More so now than ever, countries heavily rely on information technology and data storage in order to facilitate the basic functioning of a state. However, when any state places enough importance on a resource of power, that resource becomes a target. An a ttack on informational structures of a state are cyber-attacks or â€Å"the use of computational technologies in cyberspace forRead MoreThe Five International Relations Theories, Realism, Liberalism, And Feminism1241 Words  | 5 PagesThree of the five international relations theories, Realism, Liberalism, and Feminism have very interesting and different positions pertaining to global politics and issues. These theories, although quite different, effect the past present and future of global politics. Realists tend to believe the worst in humanity, that they are inherently selfish, and expect the worst. They are always prepared for war, and will go on the offensive if it means gaining more power and respect. Liberals do not thinkRead MorePower As A General Political Science827 Words  | 4 PagesPower in politics is a central concept, yet a contested one for a multitude of reasons. Chief among them is its contested nature and disagreement among political scientists over the c oncept itself as well as its operationalization. I refrain from further exploring the literature on power as a general political science concept and focus on its aspects related to negotiation. From an international relations perspective, realists for example, emphasize on the materialistic aspect of power; militaryRead MoreBreaking Open Japan, by George Feifer1258 Words  | 6 PagesJapan: Commodore Perry, Lord Abe, and American Imperialism in 1853. New York: Smithsonian Books/Collins, 2006. pp. xx, 389 p.: ill., maps; 24 cm. ISBN: 0060884320 (hardcover: alk. paper). Format: Book. Subjects: Japan Foreign relations United States /United States Foreign relations Japan. 2. A statement regarding the author: George Feifer is a native of Roxbury, Connecticut. He has written for a wide array of publications. He is a â€Å"well-known†and veteran author with many successful books. SomeRead MoreInformation Technology And The World Wide Web Creating New Bases For Power And Domination897 Words  | 4 Pages1. Are information technology and the World Wide Web creating new bases for power and domination? There are various levels of domination that are associated with technology. For instance, employers can use this to create businesses opportunities that span the world. Jobs can be outsourced allowing for one nation to profit without paying or supplying their workers with fair wages or safe work environment according to their federal guidelines. They can profit off cheap labor and unethical standardsRead MoreRealism And The Theory Of Realism1939 Words  | 8 Pagesspecifically, the international system, realists focus their ideas about how international relations work based upon the concepts of power and security.†(Realism in International Relations, 2017) The University of Stanford gives an overall idea that â€Å"Realists consider the principal actors in the international arena to be states, which are concerned with their own security, act in pursuit of their own national interests, and struggle for power.†(Political Realism in International Relations (StanfordRea d MoreA Practical Example Of The Indochina War Essay1798 Words  | 8 Pagesdepending upon the stability of the means or ends, it may change if new means become available or if different ends appear to be preferable. Strategist understanding of the tangible and intangible factors and instruments of national power in addition to the interplay relation and weighing them collectively is a key to formulate and execute strategy. In this paper, I will explain these factors, how they are interconnected and how strategists should weigh them in formulating and executing strategy alongRead MoreWhat Caused The 1992-1996 Afghan Civil War : Will History Repeat Itself?3614 Words  | 15 Pageswhy conflict occurs, it fails to prevent the march toward war. This paper explores Kenneth Waltz’s three levels, or â€Å"images’ of conflict. Waltz, the founder of neorealism, established the foundation for one of the two currently accepted international relations schools, the other Neoliberalism. This essay compares Waltz’s theory to other contemporary thinkers, then applies it to the 1992-1996 Afghan Civil War. The paper concludes by noticing the similarities events during the civil wars period
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Makes A Excellent Mental Health Nurse - 1564 Words
For the purpose of this assignment, these students have chosen the article, â€Å"What makes a excellent mental health nurse? A pragmatic inquiry initiated and conducted by people with lived experience of service use†(2013). For this written critique we have decided to use Polit and Beck’s (2010), ‘Guide to an overall critique of a qualitative research report’ that was presented within the resource, ‘Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice’. This guide was chosen due to our familiarities with this tool, as well as the methodical, linear nature and ease of use. This tool is supported by Boswell and Cannon (n.d), when they show support for Polit and Beck’s (2013) statements, that nurses who engage in critical nursing research reviews make valuable contributions to the improvement of nursing knowledge. In addition, we also choose to utilize Polit and Beck’s framework due to their reputation and signi ficant contributions within the area of nursing research. Therefore, it is believed that this is a suitable tool to use for this assignment when critiquing the title, abstract, introduction, method, results, discussion and global issues of the selected article. Title It is our belief that the title of the article, â€Å"what makes an excellent mental health nurse? A pragmatic inquiry initiated and conducted by people with lived experience of service use?†adequately describes the phenomenon and those under investigation. According to Polit and Beck sufficientShow MoreRelatedHistory, Mission And Philosophy Of The Organization1052 Words  | 5 PagesMission and Philosophy of the Organization or Board of Directors: Founded in 1986, the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, set its goals to advance the science and education of psychiatric or mental health nursing. It was also established to unify this specialty. Currently there are 40 states or local chapters. This organization promotes the health, wellness and recovery of mental illnesses. Their reason for being developed is the expressed in seven core values of empowerment, inclusivityRead MoreProfessional Practice Paper Example1026 Words  | 5 PagesProfessional Practice Paper The advance practice nurse that I chose to interview is Ms. Tonya King BA, MSW, MHA, and MSN-FNP. Tonya is employed with Kindred Hospice University/ Mental Health Facility. The University Behavioral Center (UCB) has been around since 1989, providing high-quality mental health and substance abuse treatment. The behavioral center provides many program options for children, adolescents, and adults. The main goal of this organization is to enable individuals to enableRead MoreEssay about A Career in Mental Health Nursing1383 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is it that makes choosing a career so difficult? Is it the fact that many people mainly choose a career they live off for the rest of their lives? Or is it just that they are scared of the difficulties and obstacles that will come through their path? Many students choose the usual careers: nursing, doctors, mechanics, or just working at a gas station. It all depends on where and if the student decides to go to college and what degree t hey are looking forward to earning. Becoming a mental healthRead MoreThe Psychology Of Mental Illness1177 Words  | 5 PagesWhen it comes to mental illness, I have the point of view of someone who is training to be a health care professional. During my past clinical experience as a nursing student at the Alberta Hospital Edmonton, I was immersed in an environment filled with individuals who were acutely mentally ill, and two of these individuals were my patients. While â€Å"The Sociology of Mental Illness†is an excellent source of information about mental illness in the context of sociology, based on my experience at AlbertaRead MoreMy Own Engagement Of Professional Relationships And Establish Key Skills That Underpin Lifelong Learning1453 Words  | 6 Pagesunderpin lifelong learning. I will also be looking into how to perform evidence-based practice and reflect on my capabilities and weaknesses identified in my SWOT analysis (see appendix 1) and personal development plan (see appendix 2). As a student nurse, I ascertain that the main principle in nursing is the care of my patients, to treat them as individuals and respect their dignity. I feel that it is fundamental to provide a high standard of practice and care at all times. To be open, honest and toRead MoreMy Life After A Medical Surgical Examination778 Words  | 4 Pagesthe office to address what had occurred. That was the beginning of my emotional healing as I was strongly encouraged to begin counseling and medication management. Seeking psychological help for my mental breakdown allowed me to overcome the biggest challenge I had to prevail over in my life by obtaining by diploma as a Registered Nurse. This significance assumed a depth of meaning to me as over the course of the subsequent dozen years that I have served as a Registered Nurse having the opportunityRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Essay1028 Words  | 5 Pagesdeveloped interest in nursing the main reason is the superior nursing care to my family member offered by the US hospitals. My personal philosophy is universal provision of health-care despite one’s background. As a nurse, one is responsible to offer professional services in any environment. I defined person, environment, health and nursing. My four personal philosophy concepts include competence, accountability, compassion and caring. Nursing philosophy is important because of practice, educationRead MoreStudy And Career Preparation Of Emergency Nursing Essay1346 Words  | 6 Pages Faculty of Health Assignment Cover Sheet Please complete this sheet and attach to your assignment, ensuring that you print clearly. Student ID: 21600401 Student Name: Samantha Cameron Programme Name: Foundation Health Science Paper Name: Study and Career Preparation Assignment Name: â€Å"Becoming a†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†Tutor Name: Tiffany Stenger Date Submitted: 10/04/2016 By submitting this assignment I certify thatRead MoreIn Universities Nure Are Taught To Provide Safe Quality1584 Words  | 7 Pagesnursing care to their patients. While providing safe care nurses are also taught to show professionalism and be an advocate for their patients. To be an advocate for their patients and family nurses may take on the role of Nurse Healer. Nurse Healer is defined as a nurse who assist the patients to stay in a state of homeostasis i.e. human body in a state of physical and psychological balance. Dossey and others have observed that â€Å"nurses as healers†use their own energies and interpersonal caringRead MoreTraditional Chinese Medicine ( Tcm )1004 Words  | 5 PagesWe all hear the word caring but what does caring really means? What does caring mean to you? How can care help heal the sick? These are many questions we can ask ourselves and the answers can be different for every person. To the world caring is probably the first description that comes to mind when describing a nurse. describes caring as, â€Å"being someone or something that shows kindness and concern for others†(, 2015). Nurses take care of patients and caring
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Oniomania free essay sample
Shopping Aficionado Gone Wrong There are copious amounts of detrimental factors such as perfectionism, the need to fill an inner void, and the impulsive pressure to seek excitement that lead up to one of the most common disorders, oniomania. The word onios means for sale in Greek, while mania means insanity. Oniomania is the psychiatric term for shopaholism. Other words for this term include compulsive shopping or buying and shopping addiction. Most causes for compulsive shopping are psychological damages and should be treated immediately. Avoiding the issue can cause difficulties with finances and relationships. Shopping addicts sometimes have a hard time to stop spending. There are many penalties for compulsive buying, which usually continue long after a binge. Compusive buying can be devastating to relationships, marriages, Jobs, family, and friends. Other problems can incorporate crumbling credit history, robbery, bankruptcy, and much more. These negative effects usually worsen a person oniomania due to the fact that they are already struggling from emotional issues. We will write a custom essay sample on Oniomania or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of the most common reasons for why people suffer from shopaholism is perfectionism. Perfectionism is the belief of trying to achieve the best. Even though this might not sound destructive, there are always unhealthy forms of perfectionism. Some people struggle with insecurities, which triggers them to shop and try to be that so called perfect image that they see in their mind. These types of people also have the desire to be approved by society. Others who struggle with this issue usually have overly high expectations of themselves, which can sometimes lead to anxiety. For example, if a Vanessas friend has shoes that are over $200, Vanessa may feel the need to buy something for the same amount or more so she doesnt feel like a disappointment. For example, if a Vanessas friend has shoes that are over $200, Vanessa may feel the need to buy something for the same amount or more so she doesnt feel like a disappointment. Characteristics of unhealthy perfectionism include frequently setting goals and not accomplishing them, regularly competing to be the best in order to not feel like a letdown, having a mindset of believing that making mistakes can be calamitous, and thinking that there arent enough strategies to be successful. These types of thoughts and actions can lead up to compulsive buying. Shopping addicts also struggle with the feeling of emptiness. Having an inner void is nother reason people turn to compulsive buying. Death, corrupt relationships, and awful childhoods can cause one to feel incomplete. When Michael was younger, his parents never bought him anything. They were extremely malicious and uncaring. Therefore this affected Michael as and adult and instigated his shopping addiction. The fact that Michael wasnt loved and treated with compassion in his younger days, prompted him to find happiness through spending abundant amounts of money on things he doesnt even need. The addict obtains to make purchases to help them cope with life, and strong anxiety is felt in the deficiency of their addictive ctivity. Death has the same effect on people as well. Losing someone to death is like losing something you have had for years. Once you lose someone, its hard to replace tnem ana takes wee Ks turnlng to montns ana proDaDly even years to get over. Havlng a hole in your heart is a psychological issue and materialistic things wont improve this situation. Everyone wants excitement in life, often some cant even handle a single minute of negative feelings. All humans endure negative vibes at some point in their life. But compulsive buyers can stand it. If a shopping addict is suffering from nxiety, boredom, stress, or if theyre miserable, they usually find an opportunity to make purchases. Shopping fanatics can undergo a high or euphoric feeling from neurological chemicals when they buy things. The momentary spike in dopamine and other neurotransmitters trigger the brain to view shopping as a satisfying experience and emphasizes recurrence of this hobby. Compulsive buyers often forget that the joy they are feeling is only temporary and negative vibes always come back. These people do not understand the fact that life can have flaws as well. Not everything has to be delightful and faultless. Everyone has to experience both good and bad things in life. There are always different ways to exert the negative energy out of you besides spending money. Individuals can always try to find another hobby. One can also have a trusted friend who will watch over what is bought and when purchases are made so people dont over spend or buy unnecessary things out of impulse. Jennifer loves a fast life with nothing but good vibes. She despises the feeling of negativity around her or feeling bored. Jennifers first choice was to go out and splurge her savings, which isnt healthy at all. She should take a friend with her Just n case to watch over what she is spending. If Jennifer happens to spend all her money, she would be at risk of creating more problems such as bankruptcy, relationship problem and much more. Several thing need to be taken into consideration when it comes to compulsive buying. Societal circumstances also have an imperative role in oniomania, the rise of purchaser urbanity contributes to the view of compulsive purchasing as a particularly modern addiction. Easily obtainable credit cards allow spontaneous spending outside someones incomes, and some would imply that the obsessive consumer should get rid of credit cards all together. Online spending also enables oniomania, with online auction addiction, used to escape feelings of depression or guilt, becoming an identifiable setback. In conclusion, there are much more causes of an addiction to shopping than one could imagine. Compulsive shopping is usually caused by psychological problems. Shopping addicts undergo issues such as the pressure to be perfect, the need to fill an inner void, and the lack of excitement. All three of these aspects result in oniomania. People who suffer form oniomania should never lose hope. There are always different strategies that someone can try to avoid temptations. It is always ital to speak to a professional about these problems to be treated.
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