Thursday, December 26, 2019
Company Code of Ethics Essay - 827 Words
Company Code of Ethics The Company code of ethics will cover all employees within our organization. The Code of ethics is essential for corporations today to remain in business and abide by their federal and state government regulations. Ethical training programs will exist ever corporation and are given to each employee usually the first day of employment and renewed on the annual basics. An ethical conflict occurs when people will encounter situations that they cannot easily control or resolved. In such situations, people tend to base their decisions on their own morality of right or wrong and act accordingly in their daily lives. Morally viewpoint and principles or rules the individuals use to decide what is right and wrong often†¦show more content†¦We will have respect for each others and for all our stakeholders. Trust, honesty and integrity are our key values). (Yell Group, December, 2007) Purpose of the code: The purpose of an organizations or business code of ethics will be to establish procedures and standards for employees within our corporation’s value and cultures. Employees will comply with all governmental laws and regulations. Promote honesty and ethical conduct for our corporation. Promote an internal reporting system for all ethical violations within our corporation. The Corporation will have the accountability for any adherence within our codes of ethics standards and procedures. Core values The corporation core values include general are leadership, integrity (Office Max) core values are (Integrity and accountability, We operate in a way that is ethical and fair We are not just following rules and legal guidelines, but making decisions and taking action based on solid values). (Office Max, Revised April, 2008) Different professions and originations will have their possess code of ethics. Engineers shall show leadership and have an objective and truthfulness in a professional miner of their reports, and statements, and or testimony. They shall include all information such as reports, statements, or testimony, which should bear the date showing when it was curetted. (Ethics for Engineers, Publication #1102) TrainingShow MoreRelatedThe Code of Ethics of a Company2068 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿Code of Ethics A code of ethics represents a value statement of a company, its directors and its employees. It is the expected behavior tone that needs to be practiced in the company. It is considered to be a subsection of the ongoing mentoring program for ethical decision making. This program helps in preventing misconduct at workplace. For effective execution, this program requires continuous compliance monitoring along with constant reports to the top management. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Gullivers Travels A Severe Indictment on Human Nature...
An English Literature classic, Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels (1726) follows the sub-genre of traveler tales and presents a severe indictment on human nature through satire. Swift uses satire in Part IV – â€Å"A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms†to represent the human and animal entities. In the fourth voyage, Swift is indicting the human species but a deeper reading of the text reveals that perhaps Swift is also satirizing the Houyhnhnms and the protagonist traveler, Gulliver. Swift is ridiculing Gulliver and his ideals that make him perceive the Houyhnhnms as a rational and intelligent species as compared to the Yahoos, the humans. The following discussion examines the representation of the Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos as†¦show more content†¦Gulliver comes across as a gullible character that remains blinded to the downside of Houyhnhnms rational philosophy and solely praises the intelligence and humor of the equine species. The part four needs to be understood not only as an interaction between the Houyhnhnms and the Yahoos, implying the nature of relationships between horses and humans, albeit in a humoristic and satirical manner but the voyage needs to be analyzed as a confrontation between Gulliver and Swift. For a supposedly master race, the Houyhnhnms come across as an arrogant and unenlightened population. They â€Å"have not the least idea of books or literature†and neither do they have any knowledge of countries existing beyond them. They do not favour acquiring knowledge that does not have any concrete use and neither do they understand the capability of humans to cause mischief because they lack claws like the Yahoos and sharp teeth to bite each other. Here, Swift tends to over emphasize the rational ability of the Houyhnhnms; they lack emotions and imagination and for an imaginative writer like Swift who is also the creator of the satirical â€Å"A Modest Proposal†, it is unlikely that Swift would have perceived a society devoid of imagination and emotion to be the ideal or utopian society. Moreover, the representation and popular critical understanding of Yahoos as resembling the human species is baseless and absurd. If the Yahoos were supposed to be equated with humans, Gulliver
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Canterbury Tales Chaunticleer; Behind The Rooster Essay Example For Students
Canterbury Tales: Chaunticleer; Behind The Rooster Essay Canterbury Tales: Chaunticleer; Behind the RoosterIn the book Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer, gives us a stunning taleabout a rooster named Chaunticleer. Chaunticleer, who is the King of his domainin his farmland kingdom. Like a King, he quotes passages from intellectuals,dreams vivid dreams, has a libido that runs like a bat out of hell, and isdescribed as a very elegant looking Rooster. He has every characteristic of aperson belonging to the upper class. Chaucers hidden meanings and ideas make usthink that the story is about roosters and farm animals, but in reality he ismaking the Aristocracy of his time period the subject of his mockery by makingthe reader realize how clueless the Aristocracy can be to the way things are inthe real World. Chaucer describes Chaunticleer in many different ways. One of them ishis language. Chaunticleers language is that of a scholar. He quotes manydifferent scriptures in a conversation with Pertelote, such as, Saint Kenelm,Daniel and Joseph (from the bible), and Croesus. From each author he tells astory about an individual who had a vision in a dream and the dream came true. He may have been making all the stories up in order to win the argument withPertelote, but, this seems unlikely because he does not take heed to his ownadvice and stay away from the fox that encounters him later. He is educatedenough to know these supposed quotations but not intelligent enough tounderstand the real meaning of them. It is if he simply brings because they helphim win the argument with his spouse and not because he actually believes whatthey say. Chaucer is using the idea that the Aristocracy has schoolingthroughout their childhood, but it is only done to have seemingly important butempty conversations. His physical appearance is also described with such beautiful passionthat it makes us think Chaunticleer is heaven on earth. His comb was redderthan fine coral, and crenellated like a castle wall; his bill was black andshone like jet; his legs and toes were like azure; his nails whiter than lily;and his color like the burnished gold. Chaucer describes Chaunticleer as thequintessential Cock, so perfect that his description is no longer believablewhen we realize he is describing a Rooster. Chaucer is setting up Chaunticleerto be as regal and grandiose as a King. Even though he looks like a milliondollars he is still very shallow inside. He lies to his spouse just to keep herhappy and his every thought is of fornication. Like the Aristocracy he takesmany pleasures of the flesh with no real commitment to his duty as a rooster. Chaunticleers character appears to be that of a shallow used carsalesman. He lies to his spouse about his opinion of women just so he can rideher later in the morning. Mulier est hominis confusio; Madame, the meaning ofthis Latin is, Woman is mans joy and all his bliss.' The real meaning is Woman is mans ruin. He tells her a lie to ensure he gets what he wants fromher later. He seems like the type of person who would say anything to get whatthey want no matter the truth or whom it hurts. He also falls victim to his ownhubris, something that is not uncommon to most rich arrogant people. Chaucers creation of Chaunticleer is done solely to imitate and mockthe upper class. Chaunticleer is educated, like people in the upper class; looksgood, as people with money can afford to do; and revolves around the pleasuresof the flesh like a pre-pubescent child. Had he not been riding Pertelote allmorning he might have seen the fox coming and been able to avoid becomingcaptured. His attitude was that of the upper class, that he is too good to worryabout lifes little trivial matters and that he loves to have pleasure. The foxis able to dupe him simply by flattering his voice. the reason I came wasonly to hear how you sing.. He is so consumed with living in his own grandiosetwisted reality, where nothing bad happens, that he does not realize that a foxis about to gobble him up! He does have an epiphany at the end, however, Nomore through your flattery get me to close my eyes and sing. For he whoknowingly blinks when he should see, God let him never thrive. Chaucer uses thecharacte r Chaunticleer to poke fun at the Aristocracy and all their tendenciestowards living life in the name of consummate pleasure seekers, and not in thename of reality driven people.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Prejudice and Discrimination Essay Sample free essay sample
Prejudice as defined by John E Farley is â€Å"that bias refers to a positive or a negative attitude or belief directed toward certain people based on their rank in a peculiar group. The root word of bias is pre-judge. It is a set of attitudes which causes. supports. or justifies discrimination†. ( Farley. 2000. p18 ) . There are three constituents of bias which describe the different elements associated with it. Affectual one’s inner experiencing which can be the consequence of incitation and are in conformity with people’s likes and disfavors. Behavioural the manner people action their belief systems doing them to act in a certain manner. Cognitive the preconceived beliefs or outlooks and involves pigeonholing which normally are negative. Discrimination can be defined as the devising of. a for or against action towards a individual based on group. category. or a class to which they belong. instead than judge a individual on their virtue. We will write a custom essay sample on Prejudice and Discrimination Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is the external representation of internal bias. Baron and Byrne ( 1997 ) defined favoritism as â€Å"negative behaviors directed towards people who are the object of prejudice†. Allport ( 1954 ) suggests that there are five phases of favoritism. Anti-locution would include incitement by address for illustration racially motivated or sectarian gags. Avoidance where neglecting to include people without sing their capablenesss means people in minority groups are continuously avoided by the persons of the bulk group. Although no injury is meant. injury is still done through isolation. Discrimination comprises of a denying chances to a minority group or individual with the purpose of intentionally forestalling them from having services or ends such as instruction and employment. Physical Attack involves the deliberate vandalising of or violent onslaughts on persons and their belongings. Extinction is cultural cleansing in an effort to eliminate an full race of peoples. ( Allport. 1954. p71 ) It is hard to separate the differences in the relationship between bias and favoritism. Our emotions and ratings of others basically reflects our biass. whereas rejection and concerns of credence describe our favoritisms. Therefore person who shows favoritism may non be bias. ( Wagstaff. 2005. p1 ) . Prejudice is a individual or group attitude which may or may non develop into favoritism. It is an attitude as opposed to an action. Discrimination is non ever the consequence of bias. There are instances where bias is non needed for favoritism whilst the jurisprudence prevents bias from going favoritism now ; this was non ever the instance. In some instances the jurisprudence makes people know apart. whether they feel prejudice or non. ( Haralambos A ; Rice. 2002. p272 ) . An illustration of this was LaPierre’s survey which examined willingness to expose bias and favoritism to a Chinese twosome at a clip of anti-oriental sentiment. He travelled across America with the twosome. in entire they visited over 250 constitutions and were refused service merely one time. After returning place LaPierre sent letters to all the constitutions visited inquiring if they would function members of the Chinese race 91 % replied no they would non. Critics have besides stated that the letters may hold gone to the directors or proprietors of the constitutions who may hold been prejudiced themselves while staff were non. Furthermore they may besides hold thought they were reflecting the wants of their invitees. Another ground they may hold been served is because LaPierre accompanied them. The couple radius first-class English. they were good presented and gracious this could all assist towards being accepted as invitees. There are many defects in this survey but it does demo there are differences between bias and favoritism. ( Haralambos A ; Rice. 2002. p272 ) . A school instructor Elliot ( 1977 ) conducted an experiment in order to assist understand the effects of bias and favoritism. The first twenty-four hours the category of nine twelvemonth olds were told kids with bluish eyes were superior to the kids with brown eyes. The brown eyed kids were to be kept in their topographic point by the blue eyed kids and limitations placed upon them such as standing last in line. The brown eyed children’s behaviors changed they did non make every bit good in school work and became down and angry. the bluish eyed pupils became average made derogative statements and oppressed the other kids. The undermentioned twenty-four hours the instructor told them she had made a error it was the brown eyed kids who were superior. When reversed there were the same results. Elliot ( 1977 ) said â€Å"I watched what had been fantastic. concerted. fantastic. thoughtful kids turn into awful. barbarous. know aparting small third-graders in a infinite of 15 procee dingss. †( Positiveschools. n. d. ) Even though follow up of these kids suggested they were more tolerant of differences between groups and actively opposed favoritism. ( positiveschools. n. d. ) . However critics argue the survey lacked cogency as it was non scientific and she had non put in topographic point equal protection for the kids. Authoritarian personality. realistic group struggle and societal individuality are three theories that are considered to be the foundations of bias and favoritism. Harmonizing to Adorno et Al. ( 1950 ) â€Å"Authoritarian personality theory is based chiefly on psychoanalytic rules. and proposes that prejudices most likely to originate in households that try to implement conventional values through rough discipline†( Wagstaff. 2005. p3 ) . Harmonizing to this theory. because of guilt and fright of penalty. kids reared in such environments can non register their defeat and aggression towards the legitimate mark their parents. Turning up with no freedom of pick physiques up defeat that leads to the autocratic individual looking for person that is weaker who they can take out their defeats on them in the signifier of bias or favoritism. This is referred to as ‘displaced aggression’ . They are unable to state what they feel to the parents. Adorno created the f-scale as a manner of mensurating the bias of the autocratic individual. Various questionnaires which measured a person’s attitudes of the autocratic personality. The Numberss were high but the inquiries were written in a mode that would hold people reply even if it is non what they think ‘yes-people’ an illustration inquiry was â€Å"Do you think your employers should engage Negros? †( Allport. 1954. p76 ) . The sample Adorno used was biased as there was non a wide adequate scope of people in it. it was chiefly 2000 in-between classes no Judaic white Americans. All ages and categories should be represented and in a larger sample. The right wing dictatorship graduated table has now replaced the f graduated table and asks inquiries such as â€Å"Is it easy to understand the choler of black people in America? †( McConahay. 1986. p125 ) . One person’s personality can non explicate how whole societies become bias. This theory does non explicate for illustration how big groups such as Nazi Germany and other states where mass race murder has taken topographic point all became bias. Billing ( 1976 ) states that if bias it a personality characteristic so some people would be more bias than others. Besides Altemeyer ( 1988 ) produced grounds that dictatorship stems from adolescence instead than childhood. striplings who imitated the parents autocratic personalities got rewarded for it. He besides found that societal attitudes more than personality attitudes contributed to autocratic personality. ( Haralambos A ; Rice. 2002. p274 ) . Pettigrew ( 1959 ) believes it is conformance to the group norm that is responsible for mass bias instead than a type of personality. Altemeyer ( 1988 ) found societal alterations produced more additions in autocratic tonss. Pettigrew ( 1958 ) carried out a comparing of four southern province towns. grounds supported white Southerners were more prejudiced against African Americans than white Northerners. Be this because there are a larger figure of autocratic personalities or a difference in cultural norms? He argued that bias can be depicted through cultural norms than on personality. He found that northern conformists were less prejudiced than southern conformist ; his findings were based on the personality questionnaire. ( Haralambos A ; Rice. 2002. p275 ) . Levels of dictatorship were found to be the same in South Africa as America. yet South Africa had a batch more bias because of cultural and political factors. ( Gross. 2012. p49 ) . Realistic group struggle theory provinces conflict arises between groups as a consequence of battles that occur when two groups are in competition with one another ; for limited resources or want to accomplish the same ends. Muzafer Sherif et Al ( 1961 ) devised an experiment to analyze the relationships between competition and bias. There were 20 two in-between category 11 to twelve twelvemonth old male childs based at Robber’s Cave State Park summer cantonment. They were assigned into two groups. Activities were assigned to each group to develop a sense of belonging. At the terminal of the first hebdomad the two groups were introduced. They instantly showed marks of territoriality and combat in sued. Tournaments with awards were so engineered between the groups. At the terminal of the hebdomad the male childs rated themselves in their ain group as superior and even male childs in the group who had been antecedently rated low were elevated. The other group were considered to be darnels and cowards. Attempts were so made to cut down the struggle in which the groups had to work together. A effect for prosecuting these ends was that the groups became friendlier towards one another. Sherrif et. al’s survey showed that the male childs acted otherwise towards one another depending on the state of affairs they were in. When in competition they felt disfavor. hatred and when placed in a scene with common ends friendly relationships were forged. It would be interesting to see the consequences of the survey had it been all misss. this was non a just survey as it was non a representative of all groups in society therefore it is a bias sample. The milieus of the survey were non consistent with every twenty-four hours. This experiment shows how competition for different resources can bring forth bias and that competition can devolve into ill will and struggle. Tyerman A ; Spencer ( 1983 ) contradicted Tajfel’s theory ; they observed a group of English male child lookouts who knew each other before cantonments. They were divided into four groups and placed into similar competition as in the robbers cave. The boys reactions to this did non alteration they re mained friendly and in group solidarity did non increase. This suggests competition is non sufficient entirely for inter group struggle. ( Gross. 2012. p391-392 ) . This theory gives a more practical. offering a more societal point of position to bias. Where this theory does do more sense there are some issues with it. For illustration non all groups that compete with each other consequence in bias and favoritism. Tajfel et Al. ( 1971 ) discovered that in a figure of experiments it was non necessary for competition to be present between groups for there to be prejudice. They discovered merely being a member of the in group as opposed to what they considered to be the out group was plenty to bring forth bias. Locksley et Al ( 1980 ) went further than Tajfel by informing the participants they were being indiscriminately assigned by a coin flip. meaningless names given and even with these conditions at that place was a strong in group penchant. Harmonizing to Brown ( 1988 ) tonss of surveies throughout the universe with a scope of participants from all ages and both sexes. concluded that simply assigning people into groups leads to opinions and beh aviors being biased and discriminatory. It was this find that led to the footing for societal individuality theory. Fiske ( 2004 ) believes this theory describes bias and favoritism more palpably. Realistic group struggle theory does assist explicate additions in bias in war lacerate states. Social individuality theory provinces that favoritism and bias are merely possible if people are categorised into groups so that they identify and develop a sense of belonging. Given that our self-image is of import to us. we strive for this to be positive. Social image comes from societal individuality. Therefore people view the groups to which they belong as positive. They make comparings between their group and others and believe their group to be superior to the others. taking to favoritism in favor of their ain group and have a negative position of other groups. The premise is hence that Prejudice and favoritism consequence from group designation and the demand for a positive image. Tajfel believed worlds are motivated to do sense of the universe around them. he thought this was done through a procedure of classification. assimilation and coherency but these procedures do non explicate bias. he subsequently rose to more points that much of personal individuality comes from socie tal groups and that we strive for self-pride. In Tajfel’s study a group of aliens who had no contact with each other were randomly split into two groups. In one experiment participants were asked to give out money. they favoured their ain group even if it meant losing money ; participants identified with ‘their group’ and had a clear prejudice with the other group. Social individuality theory provinces prejudice is inevitable. ( Haralambos A ; Rice. 2002. p277 ) . Another experiment Tajfel performed was to demo boys a picture by Klee and Kandinsky and asked which they preferred. The male childs were given money to distribute. the male childs gave the money to the fans of the image that they preferred. this showed huge trueness to their in group. even though they did non cognize one another. ( Fiske. 2008. p15 ) Social individuality theory explains a person’s demand for a positive individuality does affect pigeonholing. favoritism and bias. this leads to an in group state of affairs where the in group are seen as positive and is the contrary for the negative and its out groups. Though on a larger graduated table this theory does non explicate utmost signifiers of bias. relationships between groups are non merely about being seen positively but they can be for grounds such as a power. money and scarce resources. these can take to prejudice and favoritism. In Pakistan we are lead to believe the Taliban are stand foring its people and they are contending for their freedom. That westerners are at that place to assist the people. Yet when 11 twelvemonth old Malala Yousafzai spoke out and wrote a web log for the B. B. C. it resulted in her being shot in the caput. â€Å"Malala does non desire to play to some western-backed or Taliban-loved stereotype. She shows us all there are voices out at that place that demand to be heard. if merely to assist the state happen democracy that is for and from the people. all the people. †( BBCNews. 2012. p1 ) . This can non be put down to societal individuality theory. This theory is able to explicate stereotypes bias and favoritism and all are seen as a demand in the person for a positive individuality. Preferences lead to the positive in group stereotype and hence will take to prejudice and favoritism which will favor the in group but will be the antonym for the out group at that place by bring forthing negative favoritism towards the out group. Social individuality theory does non explicate utmost signifiers of bias Brown and Lunt ( 2002 ) province how a theory based on attitudes. such as in-group favoritism can. explicate the systematic slaughter of 1000000s in Nazi decease cantonments? This theory concentrates on two groups the in group and the out group with two groups it is easy to make a them and us state of affairs but what happens when a 3rd or 4th group is introduced at that place will non be the same polarization and hence the same prejudice will non be created. DecisionSome research workers believe bias is caused by a fright of aliens or alteration. while others see it as a type of jingoism sing issues such as patriotism or faith. However there is general understanding that bias is learned. It is safe to state that no one theory can explicate all countries of bias and favoritism. However they all contribute to giving us some apprehension as to how bias and favoritism become portion of our society. Fiske ( 2008 ) is working on a theory which suggests we are born prejudiced. She has been detecting encephalon activity utilizing M. R. I scanners. analyzing the amygdaloid nucleus part which is the fear response of the encephalon. This is triggered when we judge people or events we deem endangering Fiske’s findings suggest are witting try acquiring the bomber witting to halt unwanted biass. ( Fiske. 2008. p16 ) .
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